
In the second decade the activity of Eurasia Barometer was focused around realization of a number of large-scale international research projects funded by the European Commission within the framework of Copernicus, FP7, INTAS and other programs) which contributed to further institutionalization of the Eurasia Barometer Consortium.

Most significant among the implemented projects are:

2000-2003: Living Conditions, Lifestyles and Health” (LLH, funded by EC FP5): international research project devoted to exploring the relation and influence of living conditions, lifestyles and health of the eight former Soviet republics: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Georgia.

2004-2007:Social and political trends in the CIS: key indicators and measurement of social transformation” (funded by INTAS). The aim of the project was to develop a comprehensive system of key indicators that characterize the current trends of social and political development in CIS countries.

2005-2007: "Models of migration in new European border regions” (funded by INTAS) studied the migration patterns, plans and the impact of migration in selected border regions in five CIS countries: Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine. Among the objectives of the study was the development of a team of experts who can advise on migration issues and provide future migration scenarios.

2008-2012:Interplay of European, National and Regional Identities: Nations between States along the New Eastern Borders of the European Union” (funded by EC FP7). This project is a cross-national study of trans-boundary social and ethnic groups in Europe with a focus on socioethnic identities in Eastern Europe. This study had equally strong theoretical, methodological and empirical components and reach methods and approaches from a number of social sciences.

2009-2013:HITT-CIS - Health in Times of Transition: Trends in Population Health and Health Policies in CIS countries” (funded by EC FP7) is an international research project devoted to study of population health and public healthcare policy by quantitative and qualitative sociological methods in nine former Soviet republics: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.