Institute for Comparative Survey Research “Eurasia Barometer” (ICSR-EAB) is a non-profit non-governmental social sciences research organization headquartered in Vienna, Austria. Institute's main aim is to monitor political, economic, social and cultural transformations in cross-national and over time perspective in different parts of the world.

The Institute specializes in political and sociological studies in the field of social and political transformations, regional developments, value change, international politics and migration. The Institute's team has done studies in the majority of EU member states, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, the Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) as well as Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), Middle East and North Africa (Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Turkey, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Pakistan).

The Institute has a network of associated researchers and partner research organizations operating in more than 70 countries. Among the research topics covered by the Institute’ studies are:

  • Political community and nation-state

  • Support for democracy and alternative political regimes

  • Cultural values and value change

  • Political trust, political regime support

  • Civil society and social capital

  • Performance and confidence in political actors and institutions

  • Attitudes towards micro and macro economy

  • National identity and national pride

  • Population mobility and migration

  • Corona-pandemic and its implications for society.

The Institute's activities are financed by scientific and research grants and donations. All survey data and other research results produced under the direction of the Institute team are made freely available to social scientists and the general public free of charge. The Institute does not conduct surveys on a commercial basis and no products are offered on a commercial basis. The institute's research focuses on the area of fundamental and applied social and political sciences. The institute does not conduct research in the field of marketing, political campaigns, commercial market research or similar.